Monday, December 22, 2008


For those who may have missed it, Dave D is clearing out all the old photos that have been collecting dust in his hard drive. The last several days have featured photos from Menno Cross 2007. These shots of the Impaler are my favourites. They're so good, in fact, that they're worth stealing and putting up here for the FGBC and friends. Thanks Dave. It reminds me of this sequence from last year, also captured by Dave.


luke enns said...

nice pics. don't worry mr. impaler, i don't think less of you. soooo, what about a TNR tomorrow? patty and i are in.

g said...

in too.

let's wait to see what the poster is before we post too much.

Brad the Impaler said...
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Brad the Impaler said...

You'd never know that was my first cross race.

Kevin B said...

the best part is the big smile once he knows he is caught on camera - keep smiling brad.

Anonymous said...

Atta boy, Brad. Good on you for not wearing the RRR jersey!