It is going to be one of the highlights of the season. For sure. Especially when paired with the Krahn Barn Kermesse and post-race barn party the day before. James and the Tinker crew know how to do it right. See the Back 40 website for all the relevant details. The one thing worth mentioning is that it is only $20 to race ($25 for non-licensed riders). That works out to just 25 cents per km if you choose the 80 km option.
Of course, the 80 km race is also the first assignment of Operacion MUERTO. Some long rides are on the menu.

I want that poster!!!!
Oh and sorry to hear about Vande Velde crashing out. I had a feeling this wasn't going to be his year. And for the record, he won't finish the tour IF he starts.
Oh and does anyone who had Valverde retroactively loose there points in past pools?
Dallas " Vande Velde is the new Bobby Julick" Sigurdur
All hail the muerto series!!!!!!!
man, I don't know what 40 I was thinkin' of....maybe I will be there, Naomi's working though...anyone got a couch need'n some surf time?
wv: entiessu
Paddy: you're always welcome here.
Back 40: Hell yes.
VW: Syzpato. WTF?
Couch? Isn't that what the Westy if for? I'm sure a couch could be found in Morden or Altona if you need one.
I'd likely drive out in the silver camel(TDi Golf) as it would be an really short trip out, driving the big orange brick(Westy) out solo would be like driving the Westy out solo, plus they're harder to push by yourself when they break, ask Ian. Either way, only a 50/50 chance I'll head out, as we'll be out for the better part of July...
wv: batco
ps: I see the true colors of my Giro team are already starting to shine....
Sweet jersey in the profile photo. I hadn't noticed that before.
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