Yes, that looks right (via Olympia)
The 2009 mtb race season is finally under way. Team FGBC receives a passing grade in its season debut. 9th in Expert for me. I managed to avoid the trees, but almost crashed into a deer. Jonny G and Craig, the rookie, were 9th and 13th, respectively, in Comp. This was Craig's first mtb race. Once he figures out where the finish line is, look out. KK finished 2nd in Sport(?), while the Impaler was 8th for RRR. You chumps need to move up and face your competition with the integrity we suspect you might have. Mike showed up to cheer and jeer. Results, photos and more over at the Olympia site. Good times. Thanks to Kevin B and the Olympia crew for a sweet race. Can't wait until Sunday.
In the FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge, RRR eeked out a narrow 36-35 victory yesterday. But at least we are on the scoreboard.

I should add that this score reflects an adjustment to Mike's race last weekend--i.e., 6th in Cat 4.
More photos (courtesy of Olympia):

We stopped by the President's on the way home. All the lights were on, and yet nobody was home. Classic Penner.
Sport, Comp...whatever. I think lap times may actually be a bit faster in Comp. Change is a-comin'.
Of course, hitting a tree and twising the bars on each lap is something I'll have to work on.
word verification: soslo
atta boy, KK. You'll be racing Expert by the end of the season.
what's with all the derailleurs?
wv: "tablywau"
I think Chris is going to be that mystery rider who comes out of now where and scoops the podium.
Well done boys!
Of topic: I think there was a shirt for me that got lost somewhere.
Hope to see EVERY ONE at the Cup Race.
Dave, Jonny G has your jersey.
Dave...I BROUGHT IT TO THE RACE LAST NIGHT......UM...You were nowhere to be found.
Is there a problem with derailleurs?
Gears or no gears, the dr. is still a long way from the podium.
sorry, did that sound aggressive?
no prob w/derailleurs here, I make my living off them after all, more an observation...where are all the enlightened ones(besides Hal)? :)
wv: tocapete
I'll have an eye out for the finish next time. might help the standings if i actually finish rather than carry on for a while, and then meander back when i feel like it. Silliness.
hopefully grand beach will be an improvement
word verification: butbar
It's easy to miss stuff in race mode. It happens to everyone.
How come nobody is bummed about Astana going under and Lance scrambling to try and find them cash to finish the year out?
Don't get me wrong they're not my favorite team by far but it sure seemed odd that the best grand tour or " any tour" team for that matter would have shitty support is mind blowing.
Dallas " The back 40 will be there best race of the year, mark my words." Sigurdur
The Back 40 is going to be awesome. So is the krahn Barn Kermess and post-race party the day before.
Good times ahead.
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