I did the A race. I was not awesome at all. There were 30 racers, I think. They were all very fast. I hung onto the back for a while. Then I rode around in circles by myself. It was lonely.
Jonny G was unable to get a photo that adequately reflected my position relative to the rest of the field. So he took a video. Unfortunately, it reflects my position all too well.
Still, it was good times. We will try again. Maybe. More photos from Dave B.
As for he FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge, Jonny and Larry picked 16 and 18 points, respectively. I have no idea where I finished, but it was no doubt well outside the top 20. So no points for me. It's a 18-16 win for RRR.

one word reflects G's vid: hurt'n.
on the bright side, we're in the lead again, any pts this wknd in Sask...c'mon rrr, double or nuthin?
Great race, guys - it was a lot of fun! Jonny, you learned the same lesson I learned at my previous (and first) crit - don't be the guy (aka sucker) that the fast guys get to ride at the front for the last couple laps before overtaking in the last 1/2 lap.
Hey dr.h, any other photos from last nite? If you don't mind, can you send my way? I'd really like to see them if anything turned out. Much appreciated!
Yes, but at the Hold Steady tells us: "it hurts but it's worth it."
One more photo for Lars.
Good racing, guys. That video clip is awesome.
Thanks to Jonny G's shaky video you can barely tell how far behind you are!
Ty for the report, I was fried from too many previous races to compete although I might have kept you good company
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