Tuesday, September 22, 2009

Challenge Update

It's been a while since we updated the scoreboard for the FGBC - RRR FGD Challenge. Since the last update, Mike finished 4th in the provincial crit, for a 19-0 RRR win. The FGBC, however, has taken the latest two rounds. The final tally for Kings Cross resulted in a 136-47 victory for the dark side. And in the 2009 FGBC Vuelta Pool, we finally put an end to RRR's streak of victories on the vicarious racing front. We placed 5 in the top 20 (Craig, Darryl, me, Vic, and Jonny G). Now that Vic has a race license, his vicarious racing totals count toward the Challenge. By comparison, RRR had only three representatives in the top 20 (Mike, Chris, and KK). The FGBC wins 57-32.

After five and a half months, the overall scoreboard now looks like this:


Anonymous said...

I think you neglected to add my 13th place finish in the Vuelta pool.

Hey, I may not add much in real race results, so I gotta make sure the vicarious results are tallied!!


The Dark Lord said...

You were actually 12th. Dallas's illegitimate team doesn't count.

It's fixed.

Are you racing on Saturday?

KK said...

Math is hard.

Anonymous said...

Did you tally my top ten finish? JS

The Dark Lord said...

Sorry Johnny. The deal was that vicarious racing results count only for those who hold real racing licenses. We had to draw a line in the sand. That's what KK and I agreed to.

Your results from Menno Cross, however, will count, since it is officially a "license optional" event.

KK said...


Anonymous said...

My flight leaves at 4pm on Saturday, effectively ruling me out. too bad. Gotta get back to the Kingdom and work. Apparently all foreign schools will be closed for the next 2 weeks and teachers will be busy setting up online classrooms and delivering content via the interweb...should be fun!

The Dark Lord said...

That sounds awful. Good luck.